A Guide on how to install Lokinet with the updated GUI
Thanks for downloading Lokinet on MacOS. This guide will help you install Lokinet.
Latest releases can be found and downloaded here https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet/releases/latest
Open the .dmg file in your downloads directory (or wherever you downloaded Lokinet).
Select agree to agree to the GNU GPLv3 license agreement.
Drag and drop the Lokinet application into the applications folder.
Start the Lokinet application from the “Applications” folder and click open when prompted.
Once Lokinet is open, press the power button to turn Lokinet on. You will be prompted with a ‘System Extension Blocked’ popup, click ‘Open Security Preferences’.
If you do not see this popup, open System Preferences and navigate to Security & Privacy instead.
With the Security & Privacy settings window open, click the padlock in the bottom left corner.
After the padlock unlocks, click ‘Allow’, allowing Lokinet to load a system extension which is necessary for VPN functionality.
Enter your password and press unlock when prompted.
Once System Preference changes are allowed, a system prompt will appear. Click “Allow” to allow Lokinet to add a VPN Configuration.
Congratulations! You’re all done. Lokinet should now automatically start, if not try pressing the on button again and Lokinet should startup.
You can view, check, or alter the VPN Configuration created by Lokinet by opening System Preferences and navigating to Network.
Select agree to agree to the GNU GPLv3 license agreement.
Drag and drop the Lokinet application into the applications folder.
Start the Lokinet application from the “Applications” folder and click open when prompted.
Once Lokinet is open, press the power button to turn Lokinet on. You will be prompted with a ‘System Extension Blocked’ popup, click ‘Open Security Preferences’.
If you do not see this popup, open System Preferences and navigate to Privacy & Security menu instead.
click ‘Allow’, allowing Lokinet to load a system extension which is necessary for VPN functionality.
Enter your password and press unlock when prompted.
Once System Preference changes are allowed, a system prompt will appear. Click “Allow” to allow Lokinet to add a VPN Configuration.
Congratulations! You’re all done. Lokinet should now automatically start, if not try pressing the on button again and Lokinet should startup.
You can view, check, or alter the VPN Configuration created by Lokinet by opening System Preferences and navigating to Network.
If you're having issues with resolving .loki addresses, you need to edit your resolv.conf files and add your DNS resolver.
Method 1
Install systemd-resolved
and let that manage dns.
Method 2
Install resolvconf
and let that manage dns.
Then restart lokinet.service
with systemd.
If resolvconf by itself doesn't work, you'll need to add the Lokinet nameserver manually to resolvconf.
Add the following line at the bottom of this file:
Once that line is added, hold Ctrl and type X, then type Enter to confirm the file changes.
Next we need to update our /etc/resolv.conf file by running the command:
Then restart lokinet.service
with systemd.
As of 0.9.11
there is an issue where sometimes lokinet will get into a bad state and refuse to connect to the network.
This case is not related network censors blocking lokinet, it's a bug. see https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet/issues/2116
If this happens, makes ure you back up any persisting private keys for .loki and....
stop the lokinet service
remove /var/lib/lokinet/profiles.dat
start the lokinet service
This will remove the client's inferred network state that it slowly generates over time, thus will start retrying nodes it thought were dead before.
Common issues with macOS
Lokinet is not turning on when i press the start button
Go to System Preferences / Security & Privacy settings and press the lock to make changes
See if there are any pending requests from Lokinet, if so make sure you allow any Lokinet requests.
If there are no requests, try starting the Lokinet app again and see if a request shows up on the Security & Privacy page
First add the oxen.io apt repository to your system:
Update your apt package list:
Install the lokinet-gui
This will also install and start a background service called lokinet.service
that can be controlled with the lokinet-gui application.
Simply jump into the lokinet-gui client and click the large green power button.
Head over to Exit nodes or Accessing SNApps for an overview of the exciting things you can do with Lokinet up and running!
See the troubleshooting guide here if you have issues.
Run the downloaded .exe file
Check both "lokinet" and "gui" in the installer and then click "install"
Run the application
Press the big power button in the Lokinet interface to start or stop Lokinet
All done!
Head over to Exit nodes or Accessing SNApps for an overview of the exciting things you can do with Lokinet up and running!
To uninstall Lokinet on Windows, open control panel and navigate to "Uninstall a Program", then find Lokinet and click uninstall.
Mumble is a fantastic open-source voice chat platform known for its reliability and ease of use.
And Lokinet is a cutting-edge onion routing network that offers unparalleled security and anonymity potential.
In this guide, we’re going to show you how to run a Mumble server over Lokinet, combining Mumble’s ease of use with Lokinet’s security and anonymity to create the ultimate secure voice chat service. With just 15 minutes of your time and $3 a month, you or your organisation can create one of the most secure voice chat platforms possible.
A Mumble server running over Lokinet on a server you control gives you absolute certainty that your voice conversations, associated metadata, and other Mumble activity cannot be stored or recorded, because no computer ever knows who is talking to whom — not even the Mumble server itself. So long as you trust the device that you run the Mumble server on (which you can, because it’s yours), you can be certain that no one else on earth can eavesdrop on your conversation — or even know that you’re connected to the server at all.
If this is your first time using SSH and the Linux command line, don’t stress. We’ll walk you through every step! With that, let’s get to it.
The first thing you’ll want to do is rent yourself a VPS (Virtual Private Server) to host your Mumble voice chat server. You could run the Mumble server from your own computer instead, but if you want the server to stay up 24/7, without having to leave your own PC on all the time, a VPS is the way to go. Mumble’s chat server has extremely low system requirements, so a VPS with any amount of storage and at least 512MB RAM will do the trick — you can find VPSs that meet these requirements for around US$3 a month.
Try https://www.hetzner.com/cloud, or https://evolution-host.com/vps-hosting.php if you want to pay in $OXEN! When ordering, select Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 11 as the operating system.
Once you have access to your new VPS, you’re almost ready to install Lokinet, but there’s a little bit of preparatory work to do first. Start by opening a command prompt on your local machine (Terminal on macOS, any command prompt on Linux, or PowerShell on Windows 10). SSH into (get remote access to) your VPS with this command:
ssh root@
[VPS IP address]
Replacing [VPS IP address]
with the IP of your VPS. It’ll prompt you for a password which will usually be provided to you by the VPS host. More advanced users can and should disable root password access and instead use SSH keys, but if that sounds hard, don’t worry about it for now. As you learn more about Linux, you’ll get more familiar with these best practices.
Once you’ve logged in, we’re ready to roll. First, we’ll update our package lists to make sure our VPS sees the most recent versions of all available packages. Type:
sudo apt update
You’ll see a bunch of package lists being downloaded. Once this command completes, run the following command to upgrade any outdated packages currently installed on the VPS:
sudo apt upgrade
We’ll also need to make sure the curl
command is installed before we proceed. Run this command:
which curl
It should output the location of your installed curl command. If you get an error, install curl
sudo apt install curl
Then run which curl
again to make sure curl
is installed.
Success? Congrats, you’re ready to move on to the next step:
To install Lokinet, we need to add the Lokinet repository. Run the following command to install the public key used by the Lokinet dev team to sign Lokinet binaries:
sudo curl -so /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/oxen.gpg https://deb.oxen.io/pub.gpg
Then run the following command to tell apt
where to find the Lokinet packages:
echo "deb https://deb.oxen.io $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oxen.list
Next, update your repository package lists again with:
sudo apt update
And now, install Lokinet:
sudo apt install lokinet
Congrats, Lokinet is now installed and running in the background. We’re nearly there.
Run this command:
sudo apt install mumble-server
That’s it. The Mumble server is now installed. On to Step 5:
This step is a bit more involved. We need to set up Lokinet to always generate a keyfile in the same directory, so it will work consistently. Linux servers don’t have a graphical interface, but they do ship with some in-terminal text editors. We need to edit a file now, so start by opening your lokinet.ini
file with this command:
sudo nano /etc/loki/lokinet.ini
Using the arrow keys, move the cursor down to the [network] section of the file. Remove the # from before the “keyfile=” line, then add the following after the = symbol:
Then hit Ctrl+X. Type “Y” (for yes) when asked if you want to save your changes, then press Enter to save and exit.
Now that you’ve exited nano
, you’re back in the terminal. Restart Lokinet to generate a keyfile for Mumble:
sudo systemctl restart lokinet
Now we need to make sure your Mumble server is using Lokinet for all traffic. Start with this command to grab the IP address we need to bind Mumble to:
dig @ +short localhost.loki
This command will output 2 strings of text: a long string of random letters and numbers ending in .loki, and an IP address (a number in the format xxx.xx(x).x.x).
Select and copy (Ctrl+C on Windows or Linux; Cmd+C on macOS) the IP address. Some SSH clients allow you to copy by highlighting the text and right-clicking on it as well.
Now, we need to point the Mumble server to that IP address. Use this command to open the configuration file for the Mumble server:
nano /etc/mumble-server.ini
Using the arrow keys, navigate down to the line “;host=”
under the section Specific IP or hostname to bind to. Delete the ;
from the start of the line, then paste the IP address we copied earlier after the =
symbol. Hit Ctrl+X to exit. Type “Y” when asked if you want to save your changes, then press Enter to save and exit.
Back at the command line, restart the Mumble server to apply changes:
systemctl restart mumble-server
Congrats! A Mumble server is now up and running on your VPS, and all its traffic is being routed through Lokinet. All that’s left is to grab the Lokinet address of the Mumble server and give it to anyone you want to be able to connect. In case you missed it, run this command to find the Lokinet address of the Mumble server:
dig @ +short localhost.loki
This is the same command we ran earlier, but this time, pay attention to the long string of characters ending in .loki (be sure to include the .loki part!). This is the Lokinet address of your secure, onion-routed Mumble server.
Copy this address and provide it to anyone you want to be able to connect to the server — all they have to do is paste the address into the Address field of the Add Server dialog in the Mumble client, add a username and label to identify the server, hit OK, and connect!
Mumble can be downloaded for free on all major platforms. Anyone that wants to access your secret Mumble server will also need to have Lokinet installed and running. To download and install Lokinet, just head to https://lokinet.org/. Additional Lokinet guides can be found back at the Lokinet guide hub here on Oxen Docs.
And that’s it! Only 15 minutes and $3 later, you can now have completely surveillance-free conversations over the internet. We hope to integrate voice features into Session to make it even easier to access secure voice channels with this level of privacy and security.
In the meantime, though, this Mumble/Lokinet setup is perhaps the most secure voice channel option available. This unique combination of services is just one example of the power of the Oxen tech stack — stay tuned for more guides and articles about what Oxen’s tech can do.
Have fun!
Begin by updating your package lists. The below command downloads package lists from your repositories and "updates" them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies. It will do this for all repositories and PPAs.
Run the following command:
You'll notice a bunch of package lists were downloaded. Once this is complete, run the below command to fetch new versions of any packages we currently have installed on the system:
You'll be prompted to authorise the use of disk space. Type y
and press Enter to authorise.
If you do not have curl
installed on your computer, now is also a good time to install it, as we will use it later:
You only need to do this step the first time you want to set up the Lokinet repository. After you've done it once, the repository will automatically update whenever you fetch new system updates.
This first command installs the public key used to sign official Lokinet binaries.
The next command tells apt
where to find the packages:
Note: if you're running Linux Mint and get an error with this command, check out .
Then resync your package repositories with:
Now install Lokinet:
Congratulations, Lokinet is now installed and running in the background.
By default, lokinet will be running in the background on boot.
You can disable lokinet from starting on boot with:
You can re-enable lokinet to run on boot with:
You can stop the lokinet service with:
You can use stop, start or restart to start and stop lokinet using the command above replacing stop
with start
or restart
To update Lokinet when installed with apt run the following command:
If lokinet gets "stuck" trying to connect to the network, back up any persisting private keys for .loki and....
stop the lokinet service
remove /var/lib/lokinet/profiles.dat
start the lokinet service
this will remove the client's inferred network state that it slowly generates over time, thus will start retrying nodes it thought were dead before.
Head over to or for an overview of the exciting things you can do with Lokinet up and running!
It has been reported that Linux Mint users may need to use the following command instead of the second command in :